Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lots of Water, Sunshine and Love

Asthma and Eczema are both caused due to dryness. The skin does not to take in the water to remain hydrated and the lungs does not take in enough water to keep itself moist and working well. The lungs is like an engine, when the moisture for the engine is down it starts screeching and has difficulty functioning. Hence lots of water is required for the asthmatic body to function well.

  • Invest on a good humidifier for the air to be moist in the bedroom. The steam helps in relaxing and opening up the tubes.
  • Keep giving water to your child to help the body.
  • Give warm bath to loosen the mucus.
  • Incorporate food with water like fruits, vegetables and soups.
  • Add lots of physical play for the body to want and absorb the water.
  • Swimming also helps.
  • Sunshine produces vitamin D that helps the body, hence outside play becomes a must.
  • Above all the child needs lots and lots of love

Lots of Water, Sunshine and Love are the best ingredients to help thrive an asthmatic child. Take care of the little sapling.

To my blog readers
If this article has helped you in anyways or if you have some thoughts to share please comment below. It will encourage me to continue writing this blog.
Spread these words around to stop another mother see her child suffer from the condition.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Good signs for Lungs

When mucus gets accumulated in lungs, it expels by coughing it out. Coughing is a good sign and it indicates that the lungs is working good. When having cold your child may continuously cough during the sleep. It is time when the lungs works and self cleans itself.  Hence suppressing the cough by giving cough suppressants is stopping the lungs from doing it function. It is better to stick to warm water and honey to soothe the cough. The dry hacking cough does not come under this category and needs to treated by the  doctor.

Running Nose
Usually an asthmatic child does not have running nose as much as a normal child. Running nose is a way to expel the mucus produced by the lungs in response to allergens. The lungs is doing this against gravity and proves it capacity. Since this factor is less in an asthmatic child, the cold gets congested in the lungs and causes wheezing. The lung power needs to improved by exercise, play, deep breathing and practices like yoga.

Sneezing as you know is the instant response to some allergens entering the lungs. It is a good sign too. It is not good to block sneezing or cover it fully. Sneezing into the elbow is good to follow.

Low grade Temperature (99 to 100)degree F
When the chest gets congested with mucus the body reacts by a low grade fever. This increase in temperature is a way of body to fight against the virus. It is not good to reduce the low grade temperature by giving fever suppressant. It would rather be good to increase the fluid intake at this time and aid the body in the fight. However when the fever increases beyond 101degree it needs to treated and consulted with doctor.

To my blog readers
If this article has helped you in anyways or if you have some thoughts to share please comment below. It will encourage me to continue writing this blog.
Spread these words around to stop another mother see her child suffer from the condition.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Posture correction for asthma cure

The posture of neck and shoulder determines the amount of oxygen that flows to the lungs. A bad posture leads to less oxygen flow and hence poor performance of lungs and more chances of asthma.

If the posture of your child does not seem right try to correct it by asking your child to sit straight and not drop head down. Usually the posture goes wrong when they watch  TV on sofa or while playing video games and hence insist on good posture while doing so. Try to reduce the TV and video game time and encourage outside playtime. Make sure the furniture your child uses provides good posture. Another reason the posture goes wrong is when the child is sad or frustrated. Some may catch the breath when sad or angry. Try teaching deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Try to incorporate as much playtime and outside time.

Yoga, martial arts and certain dance form teaches children good posture in fun way. Physiotherapy may be used in cases where intense correction is required.

To my blog readers
Please pass on the blog to other parents and help heal kids with asthma.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lets grow our own personal air purifiers

Plants are the best part of nature. They are the main food source for life and they act as air purifier taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen for us to breathe. They can be grown indoors or outdoors to purify the air in and around the house. Whether it be a house with front and backyard or a small apartment on the 10th floor or a terrace garden, plants can be grown anywhere. All it takes is soil, water, light source and some love.

Grow your own herb garden to produce invaluable herbs that can prevent and cure any disease. Grow beautiful flowering plants that gives peace of mind. Grow your own organic fruits and vegetables yielding plants that might surprise you by cutting down a trip to grocery store. Its fun for kids too watching every life stage like germination, every leaf coming out, flowering and yielding fruits and vegetables. You will be surprised by new visitors to your house. A Bird might tell you hello early in the morning and if you are lucky a beautiful butterfly will mesmerize you by her trip to your house every now and then.  It increases the aura of the house and fills it with life.

You can also grown plants in your kitchen window if there is sunlight coming in. Basil, Oregano, Mint, Cilantro and flowering plants like mums are wonderful addition that will clean the kitchen air and also come handy to add to your soup.

It purifies all the carcinogens, dangerous gases and gives the oxygen for us to breathe. So why not grow our own air purifiers.

To my blog readers
If this article has helped you in anyways or if you have some thoughts to share please comment below. It will encourage me to continue writing this blog.
Spread these words around to stop another mother see her child suffer from the condition.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Food is Medicine

Every bit of nature has a property. The property to create, restore or destroy. Nature by itself is a full circle. It has answer for every problem in it. Every food produced by nature has these properties. When the properties are utilized in the right way to the right amount the desired result can be achieved.

Any disease can cured by in taking the right kind of food. The same is with Asthma.
Below are the Asthma curing properties and its food sources

1:  Vitamin B6
Sources: Banana
2:  Vitamin C and E
Sources: Kiwi, Sweet potatoe mustard greens, Avacado, sunflower seeds
3:  Quercetin
Sources: apples, yellow and red onions, capers, broccoli, lovage, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, tea, and many berries including lingonberries, raspberries, and cranberries.
4:  Rosmarinic Acid
 Sources: rosemary, sage, marjoram, peppermint, oregano, lemon balm, and thyme
5:  Limit Omega-6 Fats, Increase Intake of Omega-3 Fats
 Sources: walnuts, soybeans, and flaxseeds, or cold water fish like salmon, cod, and halibut
6:  Vitamin D
Sources: Dairy Products and Eggs 
7:  Carotenoids  
Sources: yellow/orange and green vegetables and fruit such as spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, mango, melon and apricots.
8: Lycopene
Sources: tomatoes, apricots, pink grapefruit, watermelon, and pink guavas.
9:  Magnesium and Potassium 
Sources: root vegetables and beans, flaxseed
10: Anti inflammatory food
Sources: Ginger Garlic Turmeric
These vitamins can be mimicked by us in the form of vitamin tablet. But we surely cannot the mimic the micronutrients and antioxidants that comes along with the natures food. These properties are best absorbed by the body when eaten by the ones from nature.
Avoid whichever food doesn't suit your body and take the ones that your body can accept. The above food sources listed are not the only ones. There can be other food source which contain these properties just the amount of property might vary. Also consume the ones that are locally available.

To my blog readers
If this article has helped you in anyways or if you have some thoughts to share please comment below. It will encourage me to continue writing this blog.
Spread these words around to stop another mother see her child suffer from the condition.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is childhood asthma a lifelong condition?

When my child was 2 1/2 asthma hit really hard. There were wheezing episodes every month. My child was such a bad eater and I did not have the parental control to make my child like food. I was scared of everything. I was trying to avoid friends with cold, shopping mall with dust, going to school and used hand sanitizer like a freak. And I thought I was doing the right thing.

The frequency of the episodes made the doctors prescribe maintenance steroids. The doctor also mentioned that Asthma can be a life long condition and has to be kept at check by maintenance inhaler. Giving a drug everyday 365 days made me panic. The side effects of the drugs were really bad. Trembling, going out of control, nervousness are a few to mention.

Just the fear of giving maintenance steroid made me educate myself about Asthma. Thanks to the few sources that took me in the proper direction. All these changes kicked in my parental instinct and made me take charge of my kid and Asthma. Once I started the nature way of cure, the condition was totally gone. At 5 now my child catches cold every now and then. However only during worst cold days the wheezing seem to come but does not last. This makes me wonder what if I had not done the diet and the life style changes and stuck to what doctor said. What if I dint have the time to analyze all these and keep giving maintenance drugs and permanently branded my child asthmatic.

Just as how taking frequent antibiotics reduces the power of the immune system the frequent Inhalers reduces the lungs capacity to self heal. All it needs is the proper nutrition and life style changes to the body for the lungs to regenerate and self heal.

I am writing this article because some mother out there can be doing this mistake and a proper education is required to make us understand that Asthma is not life long condition and can be put to check by natures way. 

If your child starts showing symptoms of Asthma immediately make diet and life style changes to prevent it and from making your child a life long victim

To my blog readers
If this article has helped you in anyways or if you have some thoughts to share please comment below. It will encourage me to continue writing this blog.
Spread these words around to stop another mother see her child suffer from the condition.

Processed food and Asthma

What is Processed food?
The nature provide vegetables, fruits, grains and other food sources. It has abundance of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals in it. Some of the food can be eaten raw and the whole nutrients can be absorbed by the body and some others need to be cooked. The cooking is to make the food more digestible by human body. However when the cooking process is long and harsh the food loses its properties and becomes the opposite. Like say a Potato has wonderful nutrients in it but when heated to temperature >120 degree Celsius and made into Potato fries a chemical called Acrylamide is formed which is carcinogenic.

Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, contaminated water source(by chemicals and radio active substances), contaminated soil(by chemicals and pollution), contaminated air(pollution), preservatives, genetically modified (GMO) are already altering the food produced by nature. Each of these have their effect on human health and are related to diseases like Autism, Asthma, tumor and cancers

On the top these food are even more modified when made into processed food. For example, to make a breakfast cereal the grains are grounded, added unnecessary vitamins and preservatives, molded into shapes and heated to temperatures that can change the property of food and put on shelf for the period of 2 years. Same is the case for a food cooked at home for long time using harsh temperature just to make it more palatable.

All these processing and chemicals has huge impact on children with Asthma. It increases the risk of getting asthma attack several folds.

An asthmatic body requires abundances of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Hence provide raw food like fruits and vegetables atleast 5 servings a day. While for the other food form that requires cooking try to keep the cooking process to the right minimum. Do not encourage any processed and convenience food. This will keep any disease at check.